Tesseract Motion Planning API


Tesseract contains an easy to use motion planning API that enables developers to quickly create custom-tailored motion plans. Tesseract’s interface includes plugins for several popular planning algorithms such as OMPL, TrajOpt, TrajOpt IFOPT and Descartes.

In this tutorial, we will define each of the key components of Tesseract’s motion planning API, then we will step through a simple freespace example.


Environment Class

The Environment class is responsible for storing all information about the environment. This includes the robot and collision objects defined by the URDF and SRDF as well as any links/joints that are dynamically added to the environment.

The typical workflow for defining and initializing a Environment object is:

  • Create a Environment object:

    tesseract_environment::Environment::Ptr env = std::make_shared<tesseract_environment::Environment>();
  • Initialize the Environment object with the URDF and SRDF files:

    tesseract_common::fs::path urdf_path("/path/to/urdf/my_robot.urdf");
    tesseract_common::fs::path srdf_path("/path/to/srdf/my_robot.srdf");
    env->init<tesseract_environment::OFKTStateSolver>(urdf_path, srdf_path, locator);

For more information about the Environment class see [TODO: add link to Tesseract Environment page].

Instruction Class

The Instruction class is a base class for all instruction type classes.

PlanInstruction Class

The PlanInstruction class inherits from the Instruction base class. This class allows the user to specify information about a singular movement in the trajectory. A PlanInstruction object holds information about the target pose and type of movement (START, FREESPACE, LINEAR, or CIRCULAR).

CompositeInstruction Class

The CompositeInstruction class inherits from the Instruction base class. This class allows the user to combine multiple Instruction objects into one Instruction. A CompositeInstruction object holds a list of instructions and enum indicating the type of ordering for the instructions (ORDERED, UNORDERED, ORDERED_AND_REVERABLE).

ProcessPlanningRequest Class

The ProcessPlanningRequest class allows the user to specify information about the process plan that they would like to solve.

The typical workflow for creating and initializing ProcessPlanningRequest objects is:

  • Create a ProcessPlanningRequest object:

    ProcessPlanningRequest request;
  • Specify what type of planner to user:

    request.name = process_planner_names::FREESPACE_PLANNER_NAME;
  • Create Instruction and/or CompositeInstruction object(s):

    CompositeInstruction program = freespaceExampleProgramIIWA();
  • Add Instruction object to request:

    request.instructions = Instruction(program);

ProcessPlanningServer Class

The ProcessPlanningServer class is responsible for accepting ProcessPlanningRequest objects and returning the ProcessPlanningFuture objects.

The typical workflow for creating a ProcessPlanningServer object and using it to solve a ProcessPlanningRequest is:

  • Create a ProcessPlanningServer object:

    ProcessPlanningServer planning_server(std::make_shared<ProcessEnvironmentCache>(env), 1);
  • Load default process planners:

  • Create a ProcessPlanningRequest object (see section above).

  • Run the planning server and pass in the ProcessPlanningRequest object:

    ProcessPlanningFuture response = planning_server.run(request);
  • Wait for the planning server to finish solving the process plan:


ProcessPlanningFuture Class

The ProcessPlanningFuture class is the type that gets returned when the ProcessPlanningServer solves a process plan. After calling run() the ProcessPlanningServer asynchronously solves the process plan and initializes the ProcessPlanningFuture object with the process plan results upon completion.

Running the Freespace Example

  • Run the executable:


The Full Freespace Example

Stepping Through the Freespace Example

Initial Setup

Define resource locator function:

Create resource locator object:

Create environment object:

Initialize environment with URDF and SRDF files:

Dynamically load in ignition visualizer if exists:

Visualize the environment:

Defining the Process Plan

Create process planning server:

Create process planning request:

Define the program:

Solving the Process Plan

Solve the process plan:

Visualizing Results

Plot the process trajectory: